Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Ukulele Happiness


There's something about my ukuleles that just make me happy.  And yes I said the plural of ukulele.  I think I've got somewhere around 10.  Some are cute, some practical, one is sentimental, and one has a built in tuner that is very groovy. I have created this darling little corner of my studio (craft room) and have curated some adorable accoutrements.  Can I play the ukulele?  Well, I have had lessons. I've been to ukulele camp. I've played with a group -- Saginaw Ukulele Gurus and Rookies aka SUGAR.  But can I play? Not really, but ukulele people are so forgiving. I have no musical ability whatsoever and no one, not even the dogs want to hear me sing. I can rarely tell if something is off key, or out of key. I wasn't in band at school. So I've really missed out on that whole music education section of life.

My first ukulele didn't have a built in tuner, but it was a really pretty purple and I bought it in Hawaii.  My mom bought her sister in a seafoam green.  When my uke and I went to ukulele camp, I was thrilled to be in a really big class.  I was relieved that I could learn, play like I knew what I was doing and blend in. I was jamming and having a grand time.  Stu Fuchs, the kind and gentle teacher looked right at me, in the midst of a very full classroom and asked if he could tune my ukulele for me. So much for blending in.

But, I have a very nice spot in which to practice. I haven't done that yet, but it looks really good.

 And what child of the 70's and 80's doesn't remember Tiny Tim and his endearingly awful rendition of Tip Toe Through the Tulips? I love my treasure of a find in a pillow of him with a tulip border.

But can I play? Do I practise? Someday. But for now, I'm just enjoying the fun of being a really bad part of an accepting Ukulele community.  And really, that's the whole point.

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