Monday, September 11, 2017

The Best of Times Farm, Because . . .

It didn't take my husband and I very long to come up with the name for our little farm.  We moved out here to fulfill some wonderful dreams and to enjoy making some fabulous memories.  When Dave and I tell people the name of our farm, they always like it, but often ask why or how we came up with it.

The famous Charles Dickens quote from The Tale of Two Cities, begins with the phrase "It was the best of times it was the worst of times."  I have to admit, I haven't read that particular literary classic yet, but I'm assuming he's talking about the existence of opposites in life--the yings and yangs.

But I'm claiming the good stuff.  I've had enough bad for a lifetime.  I know more negative and sad experiences will be part of my life -- it's normal.  But I'm over so many things that just don't matter to me anymore.  I'm out to live out the very best of times.

Some of those intentions are a little ridiculous in their celebratory nature.  I own that.  I love it. 
BonBon graduated from puppy class. 

This wonderful picture of our tiny puppy, is a great example of my life being lived.  It's a little silly. Some folks might think its a little over the top.  But it delights me.  It makes me happy.  In the end, that's really all we've got.

This afternoon, we had cement poured in a small two sided old barn.  It's a wonderful space that has all sorts of potential.  I couldn't just let that cement stand on its own.  So I gathered several cups of glitter -- silver, pink and purple.  My husband, Dave got right into with me and helped to spread it over the floor.  We couldn't get right into some corners, so Dave got the leaf blower out so we could do a better job of spreading out glitter.

I want to always make sure I spread my glitter far and wide even into the dark and forgotten corners! 

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