Friday, July 19, 2019

A Good Balance

Look what was in the grocery bag when Dave, my husband, came home from the store. A container of prunes and a box of car wipes for his Camaro convertible. I found this combination hysterically funny.  I must have laughed for ten minutes.  I don't think Dave thought it was that funny. 
What can I say? I loved the blatant display of opposites right there before me. It seemed to be an object lesson about aging and hanging on to adventure." I'm getting older, but I've still got some zip in me," this duo said to me.
This is a great life lesson, especially for those of us who are of a certain age. I'm not going to say what that age is, but I think we know when we are there. When people would ask me how I was doing, for years I'd reply with "no bad for a middle aged woman." My daughter has now informed me that I can no longer refer to myself as "middle aged." She suggested I could use the term "elderly" instead.  I suggested to her that … well never mind what I suggested. Let's just say that I'm just not ready for "elderly" to be my classification. In fact, I may never be ready.
I believe I will embrace the message of the prunes and wipes! There are the everyday, responsible things we must do and take care of in life. Some of those responsibilities have to do with aging. But none of that prevents us from continuing on with living fully.
My mom, an amazing woman, was a beautiful example to me of this idea. At age 73, she retired from teaching at Saginaw Valley State University. Her gift from her colleagues was a certificate to go sky diving. She was thrilled and loved the experience.  Just days before having a having a stroke that would take her life, she was planning a trip, seeking new adventures. That's how I want to be. I want to continue to embrace the adventures of life until the very end.

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