Friday, August 2, 2019

Home Sweet Home

I used to live for adventure and travel! At one time, I would crave the next trip, the stories and photographs my journey would generate.  I was younger then, and filled with the desire to see the world.  A world citizen I called myself.

Now, I like to go places -- but I'd prefer to be back home before it's bedtime. It's been kind of a big blow to my ego, acknowledging that I'm a homebody. How boring is that? How predictably middle aged of me!  Geez, now I'm predictable and that might be even worse than being a homebody. Next thing you know, I'll be wearing sensible shoes!

Home is my favorite place to be because most of the people, animals and things I love most are there (or at least represented there). It's my cozy bungalow, my castle, my safe place, my happy place, my sanctuary from all the scary things of the world.

There, I'm surrounded by photos of people I've loved, handcrafted treasures, family heirlooms, my favorite pieces of art. There are lots of THINGS involved, but its more than the material. It is no more or less than the understanding of sacredness of place. This is the joy of a place where I belong and that belongs to me.

I'm currently in Dayton, Ohio. I've been gone several days, and I'm more than ready to be back home. One more day, and about six hours of travel and I'll be back where I belong.  When I walk in the door again, I will be greeted by my understanding husband and he will tell me, by both word and deed, that he loves me. All three dogs: Truffle, Cupcake and Sundae, will bark and clamor for my attention thrilled that I'm back with them. Of course, they will do that all over again, if I come back 15 minutes later. Dogs have that amazing gift of always making you feel unconditionally welcomed and loved.

I'll go sit in my fuchsia leather recliner that fits my body perfectly, catch up on my mail while continuing to acknowledge each dog. My heart beat will slow to a pace reserved only for the bliss of being at home.
Maybe it's just that middle aged boring thing talking, but I'm pretty sure that I'm still on an amazing adventure every day of my life. I may have days where I would rather do other things, but it is never, ever boring. I love being at home because it's part of me and it gives me strength and joy.

You want an adventure? Get out of bed and go have one! Have one right in your own backyard. The best ones are right there.

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